Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Australian Scientists Make Size of Atom Transistor

A number of Australian scientists claim to have created an atom-sized transistors. This discovery could be the start of the next generation of nano technology.

Microscopic device was made of a single phosphorus atom embedded in the silicon which is the "gate" to control the flow of electricity and the metal contacts are also sized atom.

Be careful, Site Spreading False

SAME as in the real world, not unlike a dark site with a black market that offers products such as illegal drugs, weapons, false passports and video pornography.

The site also became the center of a network of political activists and criminals. A student in the United States (U.S.), under the pseudonym explains why he prefers to buy illegal narcotics through the site.

'' We do not have to go out and meet with the seller to the risk of being caught,'' said the student.

SMKN 29 JAKARTA HADIRKAN PESAWAT JABIRU J430 | Pesawat Jabiru J430 Mampu Terbang Sampai Malaysia

Foto Pesawat Jabiru J430
Pesawat perintis Jabiru J430 hasil rakitan para siswa SMK Negeri 29 Jakarta diperkirakan mampu terbang hingga Bali dan Malaysia. Menggunakan bahan bakar pertamax dan berkecepatan kurang lebih 130 knot, pesawat ini mampu menjangkau jarak Jakarta-Surabaya dalam waktu tiga jam, hanya dengan 80 liter Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) pertamax. Harga pesawat ini ditaksir mencapai Rp1,3 miliar.

Kepala Program Keahlian Airframe dan Powerplant SMK N 29 Jakarta, Ahmad Budiman mengatakan, tingginya harga jual tersebut menyesuaikan besarnya biaya perakitan dan bahan-bahan yang dipergunakan.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Alat Deteksi Banjir Berbasis SMS Karya SMK

  Siswa SMK Muhammdiyah 1 Gresik Jawa Timur mencoba alat deteksi banjir berbasis pesan singkat (SMS), Kamis (19/1/2012).

Siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, Jawa Timur, berhasil menciptakan alat deteksi banjir berbasis layanan pesan singkat (SMS). Alat itu diciptakan Haluri Yudiat Pratama dan Ahmad Muhajir, siswa kelas XI Teknik Elektro Industri dengan bimbingan Hendra Ari Winarno.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Vocational Student Work From Laptop To Aircraft

(Regional News-National) Building trust is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. That's what happened in the Vocational School (SMK), which directly accused in the past occurred when student brawls in the streets of the capital.